Sunday, January 25, 2009

Everyday Counts

Hey friends. It's almost one in the morning and I still have a test to study for and speech to memorize. Does my agony ever end? I hate homework but not really. You know? Today, I made a peach cobbler for Levora's class. I hope it tastes okay tomorrow.

You know, I was thinking about my last blog post... the welcoming post. It didn't really describe me. At all. I don't think I'm the type of person who you can put into words. Life is so complex; there's so much to learn about every person. I could never sum myself up into a mere few sentences. I don't think anyone can.

Today, I told my sister that I have a motto. She probably wasn't listening, but regardless, here it is: Let's do this while we still can. It's probably not a very good motto. It's motivational to get me moving, but it kind of has a negative vibe. What do you think? I suppose I should be on the prowl for a new one.

Today wasn't the best day ever, but it's a day. And that's what counts. Everyday counts.

Adios Muchacho,

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